Monday, March 31, 2008

The Accidental Hero - Lingam Video Guy

I was in Starbucks having my coffee and going through the latest in Malaysia Today and the rest when I noticed this large gentleman with a camera hanging around his neck walking in and greeting a couple of Chinese men. They showed him a news tabloid news paper then wanted to take some pictures.This gentleman was asked to stand against the wall next to where I was seated and they started taking pictures. They were apparently for a Nanyang subsidiary, which I found out later. I then realised that this large guy was the accidental hero, the Lingam video guy, Loh Gwo Burne. How did I find out? I asked him, are you the Lingam video guy. He said guilty as charged.

After his many poses and shoots this unassuming guy came over to me and asked if I was affiliated to any party. When I said no and was with Barisan Rakyat for the moment he opened up. The first thing he told me was please keep a check on us the opposition because there is a high possibility that they will end up just like the BN if the people do not keep a check on them.

He had realised that the rot in the country had started long before the Lingam video was filmed but nothing could be done due to the people’s apathy. Nobody was bothered, cared or interested to correct the situation. He also said that if the election was held in September right after the 50th Merdeka ceremony, BN would have had a landslide victory.

He too said that events that followed 31th August 2008 were catalyst to the down fall of the coalition government. The release of the Lingam video tape and the testimony in royal commission , the Bar council march in Putrajaya, Bersih and the Hindraf protest were all chain events that that led to the anger of the rakyat.

Gwo Burne, although he looks innocent and quiet is on the contrary just the opposite. He is determined to deliver his promises and make sure the check and balance is within Barisan Rakyat. Many have attacked him before and after the election saying that his rise was due to the video tape and the publicity that it had created. He said that Anwar Ibrahim would not have chosen him if his credibility and ability to serve were in question. I believe most people who attack him are people who feel threatened by him.

He said that internal party politicking and struggles have to be watched by the public and highlighted regularly. Bloggers must play their role to make sure information gets out to the public and any wrong doing must be made known.

Similar things that we have heard all these years about BN and UMNO i.e. money, abuse of power, pleading innocence etc. is also happening with Barisan Rakyat, although I am not privy to say what they are at this moment. I will let your imagination run wild. Most importantly, in his parting words, “Please watch us like hawk and correct us”.

1 Comment:

Unknown said...

That's what a working democracy should be. Remember Lord Acton's 'Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely'? Regardless of whoever is in power, there must always be institutions of check and balance.
In Malaysia, the rakyat took a long time to realise this. Several decades of public apathy towards the hideous manipulations have allowed the despotic and the ensuing dumb alike to systematically erode the independent powers Judiciary, ACA, EC.
In no small way should we be grateful for the fortuity or the foresight of YB GBLoh to have a video camera with him on that famous visit.